
How to Target Seniors In Digital Marketing?

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Senior citizens in our society are being ignored in digital marketing targeting due to false perceptions and assumptions. One-fourth of the people aged over 55 years are active on different social media platforms. Hence, leaving the senior people in targeting is losing a part of the buyer persona in a potential digital world.

In this digital age, this group of age people can be targeted easily through mobile – SMS marketing, video marketing campaigns, and information-based influencer marketing.

According to the latest Ofcom findings in ‘Adults’ Media Use and Attitudes Report 2020/21′:

Of 55-64s:

86% use a smartphone.
94% use the internet at home.
70% correctly identify advertising on Google.

Of 65+:

55% use a smartphone.
77% use the internet at home.
58% correctly identify advertising on Google.

The Top platforms to target Senior audiences:

Facebook: Many marketers have concluded that most senior people spend their time on Facebook. This senior audience likes to gain information that entertains and industrial news and enjoy sharing articles, videos, and images with other peoples. Nowadays, marketers started targeting seniors on Facebook since it gives huge credibility and results when targeting senior audiences over other platforms.

YouTube: The senior audience’s time spent on online platforms extends from 15 to 28 hours a week. This is a tremendous growth and it’s obvious that the senior audience usage is growing. About more than 15% of video is consumed by people who are aged more than 45 years old. Understandably, video content has the potential to clearly explain topics, provide tutorials in a stepwise manner, and bring huge user engagement growth in a short period.

Twitter: Twitter has opened a way for people to follow C-suite executives from every part of the world and to gain knowledge and their thoughts about a certain topic that is causing global combustion. Few senior audiences are eager to know the leader’s and celebrities’ opinions on certain trending topics.

5 Tips to market your business to Senior Citizens:

Use of Proper Language: When targeting the older generation people, it is necessary to use simple words to make them understand and try to avoid using modern idioms or slang that can only be understood by the GenZ. Usage of simple language can make the seniors understand your marketing message. Being more personalized in interacting with this senior audience segment, paves the way to be a more effective method of communication.

Avoid using a Fear-based strategy: Avoid the usage of ‘scary’ messages and make them fear the impacts of not using the products and services with senior people. Senior people often use social media platforms to gain information and stay connected with their friends and families. Usage of relevant and beneficial information may help them understand your product better than scaring them with impacts. Marketing is dynamic and these tactics may lead them to avoid interacting with your brand and services.

Usage of Multiple Platforms: Try targeting seniors through different marketing channels which may help you reach as much as senior people. We can only assume information and tactics that may or may not work to target senior people. Platform usage varies on its purpose. Senior people use various platforms based on their interests. Some use platforms like Facebook and Instagram – as visual platform, some use YouTube – as video marketing platform and some read articles, and blogs – as content marketing platform etc., Start your marketing in all the possible platforms with different content strategies on different platforms.

Usage of Video: Proper usage of video that includes testimonials, walkthroughs, and tutorials may help senior people to better understand your product or services. Make use of YouTube which is the second largest search engine platform that focuses on video content. Make use of YouTube-hosted video on your other platform which triggers more traffic sources to your objective.

Be clear and don’t underestimate: Make them know what you want them to do. So, be clear on the ‘call-to-action’ on what type of action you want them to take. Don’t underestimate the audience based on your assumption of them. Certainly, the senior audience is independent and they do their research before making buying decisions.

Senior people who are older demographics hold an untapped potential in the era of the digital age right now. To target the senior audience, corporates, and professionals need learning and research to reach the senior audience.

Nowadays, senior audiences are very curious in searching for ways to connect with the outside world. Many companies target them to market their products and services since they are one of the more potential segments for making money.

Rather than assuming what works for you, you should start working on the real-time marketing data. Start your research on providing information and entertainment that attract, educate, and connect with them. Then create your community of senior audiences who can eventually bring more business in the future. (consider reading this article to create your own senior audience community)



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